December 11

Non Scale Victories

This is something I’m constantly reminding my clients about. Watch to the end of the video to see what I think about the scales.

Many people reach out to us thinking they just want ‘to lose weight’. When we dig a little deeper and ask the questions we do, it becomes apparent what their real goals are. We Coach very differently to others. Our main priority when working with any client is, drastically improving their health. When optimal/better health is paramount, many other factors fall into place. Better sleep, greater mobility, less stress, improved mental health and so it continues.

I encourage my clients on a weekly basis to evaluate how there week has gone with an extensive form to complete. What’s gone well, what maybe didn’t go to plan and the main focus for next week.

This applies to if you are relatively new on your health and wellbeing journey or if you have been making steady progress. Please don’t look at the scales as validation of your success.

Let us know of the factors we have mentioned, resonate with you and or if there is something else that you have noticed that has improved for you.



Are You Ready to Supercharge Your Health, Fitness and Wellbeing?

To find out how we can help you regain your health, whilst losing unwanted body fat, book in a free strategy call.
