February 16

I Hate My Kids

Many parents and single parents ( especially ) struggle with resentment at some point as they’re physically and mentally drained.

It’s imperative to create some me time. Something, I work on extensively with our clients. That doesn’t mean hours in the gym, sometimes some self care, meditation, reading a book etc.

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If you don’t create that time for yourself you will have even less energy. As we say you can’t pour from an empty cup and if that is the case you won’t be able to give as much love and attention to the ones you love.

Furthermore that frustration and overwhelm can turn into resentment and anger. If that’s not resolved that can turn into taking medication ( or even more medication ) and illness.

If that is the case, whose going to look after your loved ones as well as you do?

Please don’t let it get that far and carve out for some time for you.


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