December 18

5 Tips For A Healthy Christmas


5 Tips for a healthy Christmas.

  1. Prioritise eating as much protein and vegetables as you can. This of course doesn’t mean that you can’t eat the sweeter chocolates and cakes or your savoury favourites. However, you’ll be less likely to snack as much.

2. Drink plenty of good quality water. As a side note, if you are still drinking tap water, be sure to join our private community page. OUR COMMUNITY

3. Can you get some workouts in your schedule. If so, this would be a great way to utilise the extra energy you have consumed.

4. Walk as often as you can. Of course it will burn calories. More importantly it will aid in digestion and make you feel more comfortable.

5. Enjoy quality time with family and friends and create special memories. If it doesn’t go according to how you envisaged, don’t feel guilty, draw a line in the sand, let it go and move on.



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